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Showing posts from November, 2016

Arranger: The Puzzle Master

People exceptionally talented in the Arranger theme can organize, but they also have a flexibility that compliments this ability. They like to determine how all of the pieces and resources can be arranged for maximum productivity. Clifton StrengthsFinder People with high Arranger have the ability to manage many variables, discerning how they can best work together. These talented individuals naturally think like a master puzzle maker; they can see how best to organize and assemble things for maximum productivity. Once one arrangement is made, these individuals do not feel confined to it; if it doesn’t work the way they thought, they simply adjust the puzzle to try another fit. The talent of Arranger goes beyond just organizing things or resources; they also have a gift for organizing people. Arrangers can logically see the best fit-to-role, and have a knack for building great teams based on individual contributors. Those talented in Arranger build productive teams that

Context: All the Information, Please

People exceptionally talented in the Context theme enjoy thinking about the past. They understand the present by researching its history. Clifton StrengthsFinder People high in Context value the past because they believe the past contains the answers to the present. To make sense of the world around them, people high in this theme must understand what has come before. It is essential to see the blueprints because blueprints show the original intention and purpose. Seeing this helps those with Context orient themselves to the given situation. People high in Context are natural drawn to history. The period and subject of history is different for everyone, but learning and understanding history is thrilling, because they can easily connect the past to the present. In addition, people high in Context often have a very good memory; their brains instinctively catalog and retain everything they experience. People with Context like all the background information before making a de

Activator: The Catalyst

People exceptionally talented in the Activator theme can make things happen by turning their thoughts into action. They are often impatient. Clifton StrengthsFinder The currency of someone high in Activator is action. While they may see thinking, pondering, and brainstorming as important, these things pale in comparison to actually doing. Summed up in a phrase, Activators believe, “actions speak louder than words”. Activators like to start before a decision is even made. Those high in this theme are valuable on a team due to their catalyst-like mindset; they can get a bogged-down group out of their thoughts and into productivity.   Some people may see those with high Activator as “ready-aim-fire” people who don’t think through decisions. In actuality, those high in Activator see thinking as synonymous with doing. They live by trial and error. As the full Activator theme description says, “How can you grow if you have nothing to react to? Well, you believe you can’t.

Individualization: An Eye for the Unique

People exceptionally talented in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how different people can work together productively. Clifton StrengthsFinder Those high in Individualization can naturally spot out what is unique about each person. They innately notice and catalog information about an individual, quickly figuring out who they are and what makes them tick. These folks also tend to make those around them feel valued by honoring their uniqueness in terms of a catered approach. One role those with high Individualization play is a strengths-spotter; They have the ability to see someone’s strengths easily and aid them in sharpening these talents. This is the reason Gallup writes, “like a casting director, they [those high in Individualization] use their intelligence about people to position them to do what they do best.” Because of their natural ability to “read” people well, those with this theme

Adaptability: The Palm Tree

People  exceptionally  talented in the Adaptability theme prefer to go with the flow. They tend to be “now” people who take things as they come and discover the future one day at a time. Clifton StrengthsFinder For people high in Adaptability, interruptions are opportunities. While some may see interruptions as annoyances or distractions, a person with Adaptability sees them as exciting.  Even though there may be plans, those with Adaptability, see each day as a new possibility. Consequently, for them, the future is not a fixed destination; rather, it is formed by each decision you make in the present. I was once given the image of Adaptability as a palm tree. In the middle of the storm, palm trees sway and bend, but never break; they are a strong place of stability during a not-so-stable time. The talent theme of Adaptability is just like that image. Because of this ability to acclimate, those high in Adaptability are especially valued during major changes or times