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Showing posts from September, 2016

Communication: The Translator

People exceptionally talented in the communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words They are good conversationalists and presenters. Gallup StrengthsFinder Gallup states that, “people strong in Communication talent can find words for not only their thoughts and feelings, but for those of others. This gives them the ability to reach out and connect with others in meaningful ways.” People who have strong Communication talent have the keen ability to translate thoughts into words. They can explain things in a way that is understood by those around them. Communication is a powerful talent that compliments all other 34 themes. Communication, though, like all themes, takes time to move from a raw state to a mature state. If your mentee is part of the 24.5% of TeamMates mentees with the Communication talent in their top 5, consider taking some time to help them mature their Communication talent. Here are some ways you can add value to your m

Developer: Growth Mindset

People exceptionally talented in the Developer theme recognize and cultivate the potential in others. They spot the signs of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from evidence of progress . Gallup StrengthsFinder TeamMates Mentoring Program’s mission statement is to “positively impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential through mentoring.” This mission statement, at the core of our organization, is rooted in the theme of Developer. Rather than prescriptive, we function as a developmental mentoring program, which aims to build trust-based relationships. It is through these relationships that mentors are positioned to bring out the full potential in their mentee. Doing so, not only falls in line with our mission statement, but also honors the Developer in each of us. According to Gallup, the primary impact of someone with Developer is “seeing the potential in people that is uninformed or inexperienced and investing in it.” As mentors, th