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A Look at Empathy

People exceptionally talented in the Empathy theme can sense other people’s feelings by imagining themselves in other’s lives or situations.

This week our guest blogger is Tricia Dix. Tricia has been a mentor with Millard Public Schools since 2011. In addition to mentoring, last year, Tricia began working for our central office as an Administrative Assistant. Her top five strengths are Harmony, Empathy, Connectedness, Consistency, and Discipline. Here’s what Empathy looks like for Tricia:

Growing up I was told that I was “too sensitive”, could easily cry “crocodile tears”, and that I should have been an actress because I could cry on cue!  I always wished that I wasn’t so sensitive.  I viewed it as a weakness.  It wasn’t until the day I took the Gallup Strengths Finder and discovered that my #2 strength is Empathy, that it all made sense.  It was then that I realized being empathetic is not a weakness, but rather one of my strengths.  I have always said that I wear my heart on my sleeve and now I know why!

I always knew what Empathy meant, but I never really understood it until I went to a mentor training session.  Allyson Horne was talking about strengths and how these are the things that are “uniquely awesome” about us.  The lightbulb went on and I realized that my Empathy was a good thing!  Now I freely let my feelings flow and am no longer ashamed or embarrassed to show my true feelings.

My Empathy enables me to understand where others are coming from and sense what they need.  It is what enables me to reach out to others and help in any way that I can.  It is what enables me to listen attentively and feel what others are feeling.  It makes me a trusted friend and advisor. 

My Empathy is always at work.  Sometimes it can be a double edge sword as it is amazingly draining to absorb other’s emotions all day.  At times, I find myself struggling to understand why I feel like I must take on all the world’s problems.

I recall at one of my previous jobs, I was having an increasingly frustrating day, sensing my team’s emotions and trying to solve their issues, so I shared my frustrations with a trusted co-worker. I’ll never forget what she said to me, “You know you don’t have to wear your cape every day; let some of it go.” 

In my Administrative Assistant position at TeamMates, my Empathy strength assists me in sensing the office culture and how each department’s actions and decisions affect the group.  As a mentor, I recently used my Empathy to help my mentee get through her first real break up.  I could feel what she was feeling not only because I had been there before, but because it is my nature to sense feelings and help in any way that I can.  If someone is hurting, I want to help and provide support. 

My other Top 5 strengths are Harmony, Consistency, Connectedness, and Discipline.  I believe that Harmony blends well with my Empathy.  I can easily sense conflict and it is uncomfortable for me.  Therefore, I will look for ways to redirect it and try to find common ground with others.  I truly want everyone to get along.  Consistency also blends well with my Empathy because I have a strong desire for balance and fairness.  The activist in me wants everyone to be treated fairly and when I feel something needs to be changed, I will fight for it. 

My 5th Grade Social Studies teacher use to say, “In order to understand someone, you should walk a mile in their moccasins.”  That is true Empathy and I’m so grateful I have it!

If you are interested in guest blogging about one of your Top 5 StrengthsFinder themes this school year, please email Tess at


  1. This blog is pretty good to learn new information, you are doing well. Keep it up!


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