In your heart, helping other people is very important. You want to make
the world better by helping people in small ways or big ways.
Clifton Strengths
Youth with Caring in their Top 3 SE themes, possess a heart
for others. They love to give of their time to help others. The smallest act of
kindness, they believe, can make a world of difference. Youth with this theme
go above and beyond, not because of obligation or because of finishing a task,
but because they know that in doing so, they are helping another person. These
youths have big hearts; they notice when someone is in a bad mood or when
someone is left out of the group. They make it their mission to encourage
others around them.
One wonderful depiction of Caring is from a mentee in the Omaha
metro area. At one Academy Session, the mentor brought a picture frame to Ally
and showed her two wonderful drawings her mentee had made. The drawings were of
the mentor and mentee together, and in one, a heart was drawn around the pair.
The mentor shared with Ally that her mentee had drawn these to show her love
and appreciation for her as a mentor. For mentees with Caring, nothing is too
small to show encouragement and appreciation. Like this mentee, a simple
drawing served the purpose of sharing the impact this mentor has had on her life.
32.7% of our mentees who have taken Strengths Explorer have
Caring in their Top 5. Our mentees naturally want to help others. Encourage and
build up your mentee’s Caring theme by implementing a helpful nature into your
mentoring time. Find one thing to do each time you are together to help someone
else out. Model this behavior for your mentee. Pick up trash if you see if on
the floor. Push in your chair. Say thank you. Consider doing a random acts of
kindness challenge, like this
one, where you track random acts of serving others. Report back to each other
on how these tasks went. Ask your mentee to pick someone they might normally
not get along with, and ask them to think of one way they can serve that
person. By reframing interactions as opportunities
to help others, your mentee will be developing their Caring talent and will
walk away with a more positive and hopeful outlook on the world around them.
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