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Showing posts from September, 2018

Genn and Millie Rewind #5

Today we are rewinding our  fifth installment of Genn and Millie .  These recorded conversations are intended to help spark strengths spotting and communication within the mentoring relationship and beyond.  The fifth video is designed to start conversations about the balcony and basement moments we experience in using our strengths.  We first practiced sharing our strengths name cards and then had deeper conversation utilizing another fun Gallup resource.  The handout we are using is attached, and can also be found here on the Development Resources section of the Strengths Dropbox. Thanks so much for your feedback on previous videos.  Feel free to share this learning and let us know if you have ideas for upcoming conversations. I would also encourage you to check out the Strengths Mentoring Blog , an d   Gallup Theme Thursday learning videos available.

Genn and Millie Rewind #4

Today we are rewinding our fourth installment of Genn and Millie .   These recorded conversations are intended to help spark strengths spotting and communication within the mentoring relationship and beyond.  The fourth video is designed to help mentors utilize the strengths theme cards and practice some strengths spotting.  We had another session of strengths conversations utilizing another fun Gallup resource.  Many of you have a set of the Theme Cards, but if you are interested, they can be found at the Gallup store . A few corrections/things we need need to note: I referred to Ed McMahon as Ed Sullivan. I will never forgive myself for this error. I also stand corrected, the song IS actually 867-5309/Jenny, a one-hit wonder by the band Tommy Tutone. Attached is the Orange Slice logo!

Genn and Millie Rewind #3

Today we are rewinding to the third  installment of our video learning series ,  Genn and Millie .  These recorded conversations are intended to help spark strengths spotting and communication within the mentoring relationship and beyond. The third video is designed to help mentors utilize the strengths to-go cards that TeamMates provides to you as strengths chapters. We did a practice round of these conversations. Through these simple strengths-based conversations, Gallup has proven, you build on hope, well-being, engagement, and success. Take some time to listen and learn with us! 

Genn and Millie Rewind #2

Today we are rewinding to the  second installment of our video learning series , Genn and Millie .  These recorded conversations are intended to help spark strengths spotting and communication within the mentoring relationship and beyond.  The second installment is designed to help mentors do their post-training homework, looking at the online Gallup resources that accompany strengths learning. Login to your Gallup account. Find and print the report, Signature Theme Report. Highlight words and phrases that resonate with you. Then hand it over to someone close to you and have them highlight words and phrases that resonate with them regarding you.  Which words and phrases resonated with you?  Why did these words and phrases stick out?  If you have done this before, did you highlight different words and phrases?  Did the person you share your report with have similar findings to you?  Did they highlight something that surprised you?