CliftonStrengths talent themes are innately neutral. It is up to us to apply them in productive ways for success. While we all aim to apply our strengths productively for the world around us, I am sure we can think of times where our strengths were actually the things that got in the way of our success. Today's activity takes a look at some of the most common challenges to affirming strengths: I was blind to my talents. My talents threatened others. I was in a position or role that did not fit my talents. I was fearful of being proud or arrogant. I didn't see how my talents would help me reach my goals. This activity comes from Gallup's Strengths Quest resources, designed for high schoolers. Gallup recommends thinking of the following questions to facilitate discussion around these challenges: Can you think of challenges or roadblocks we face when attempting to affirm our talents? Do our strengths take care of them? Do you talents need development? How